Winsorization in SAS


Mingze Gao, PhD

Macquarie University


May 26, 2020

These are two versions of winsorization in SAS, of which I recommend the first one.

Version 1 (Unknown Author)

Author unknown - that is a pity because this macro is the best since sliced bread! 
Trim or winsorize macro
* byvar = none for no byvar;
* type  = delete/winsor (delete will trim, winsor will winsorize;
*dsetin = dataset to winsorize/trim;
*dsetout = dataset to output with winsorized/trimmed values;
*byvar = subsetting variables to winsorize/trim on;
Sample usage:
%winsor(dsetin=work.myDsetIn, byvar=fyear, 
        dsetout=work.myDsOut, vars=btm roa roe, type=winsor, pctl=1 99);
%macro winsor(dsetin=, dsetout=, byvar=none, vars=, type=winsor, pctl=1 99);
%if &dsetout = %then %let dsetout = &dsetin;
%let varL=;
%let varH=;
%let xn=1;
%do %until ( %scan(&vars,&xn)= );
    %let token = %scan(&vars,&xn);
    %let varL = &varL &token.L;
    %let varH = &varH &token.H;
    %let xn=%EVAL(&xn + 1);
%let xn=%eval(&xn-1);
data xtemp;
    set &dsetin;
%if &byvar = none %then %do;
    data xtemp;
        set xtemp;
        xbyvar = 1;
    %let byvar = xbyvar;
proc sort data = xtemp;
    by &byvar;
proc univariate data = xtemp noprint;
    by &byvar;
    var &vars;
    output out = xtemp_pctl PCTLPTS = &pctl PCTLPRE = &vars PCTLNAME = L H;
data &dsetout;
    merge xtemp xtemp_pctl;
    by &byvar;
    array trimvars{&xn} &vars;
    array trimvarl{&xn} &varL;
    array trimvarh{&xn} &varH;
    do xi = 1 to dim(trimvars);
        %if &type = winsor %then %do;
            if not missing(trimvars{xi}) then do;
              if (trimvars{xi} < trimvarl{xi}) then trimvars{xi} = trimvarl{xi};
              if (trimvars{xi} > trimvarh{xi}) then trimvars{xi} = trimvarh{xi};
        %else %do;
            if not missing(trimvars{xi}) then do;
              if (trimvars{xi} < trimvarl{xi}) then delete;
              if (trimvars{xi} > trimvarh{xi}) then delete;
    drop &varL &varH xbyvar xi;
%mend winsor;

Version 2 (WRDS)

A potential problem with this WRDS macro is that a variable named a is used in line 57 and 59. So if the INSET has a variable named a as well, there’ll be possible data integrity issue.

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/* WRDS Macro: WINSORIZE                                                             */
/* Summary   : Winsorizes or Trims Outliers                                          */
/* Date      : April 14, 2009                                                        */
/* Author    : Rabih Moussawi, WRDS                                                  */
/* Variables : - INSET and OUTSET are input and output datasets                      */
/*             - SORTVAR: sort variable used in ranking                              */
/*             - VARS: variables to trim and winsorize                               */
/*             - PERC1: trimming and winsorization percent, each tail (default=1%)   */
/*             - TRIM: trimming=1/winsorization=0, default=0                         */
/* ********************************************************************************* */


/* List of all variables */
%let vars = %sysfunc(compbl(&vars));
%let nvars = %nwords(&vars);

/* Display Output */
%put ### START.;

/* Trimming / Winsorization Options */
%if &trim=0 %then %put ### Winsorization; %else %put ### Trimming;
%put ### Number of Variables:  &nvars;
%put ### List   of Variables:  &vars;
options nonotes;

/* Ranking within &sortvar levels */
%put ### Sorting... ;
proc sort data=&inset; by &sortvar; run;

/* 2-tail winsorization/trimming */
%let perc2 = %eval(100-&perc1);

%let var2 = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&vars,%str( ),%str(__ )))__;
%let var_p1 = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&vars,%str( ),%str(__&perc1 )))__&perc1 ;
%let var_p2 = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&vars,%str( ),%str(__&perc2 )))__&perc2 ;

/* Calculate upper and lower percentiles */
proc univariate data=&inset noprint;
by &sortvar;
var &vars;
output out=_perc pctlpts=&perc1 &perc2 pctlpre=&var2;

%if &trim=1 %then
%let condition = %str(if myvars(i)>=perct2(i) or myvars(i)<=perct1(i) then myvars(i)=. );
%else %let condition = %str(myvars(i)=min(perct2(i),max(perct1(i),myvars(i))) );

%if &trim=0 %then %put ### Winsorizing at &perc1.%... ;
%else %put ### Trimming at &perc1.%... ;

/* Save output with trimmed/winsorized variables */
data &outset;
merge &inset (in=a) _perc;
by &sortvar;
if a;
array myvars {&nvars} &vars;
array perct1 {&nvars} &var_p1;
array perct2 {&nvars} &var_p2;
do i = 1 to &nvars;
    if not missing(myvars(i)) then
drop i &var_p1 &var_p2;

/* House Cleaning */
proc sql; drop table _perc; quit;
options notes;

%put ### DONE . ; %put ;


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