Merge Compustat and CRSP

Research Notes

Mingze Gao, PhD

Macquarie University


May 25, 2020


January 23, 2024

Using the CRSP/Compustat Merged Database (CCM) to extract data is one of the fundamental steps in most finance studies. Here I document several SAS programs for annual, quarterly and monthly data, inspired by and adapted from several examples from the WRDS.1

Ready-to-use code

Download the Compustat/CRSP gvkey-permco-permno link table without duplicates.

%let 4016;
options comamid=TCP remote=WRDS;
signon username=_prompt_;


%let year_start = 1990;
%let year_end = 2020;

proc sql;
  create table lnk as select * from crsp.ccmxpf_lnkhist where
  linktype in ("LU", "LC") and
  /* Extend the period to deal with fiscal year issues */
  /* Note that the ".B" and ".E" missing value codes represent the   */
  /* earliest possible beginning date and latest possible end date   */
  /* of the Link Date range, respectively.                           */
   (&year_end.+1 >=year(linkdt) or linkdt=.B) and
   (&year_start.-1 <=year(linkenddt) or linkenddt=.E)
    /* primary link assigned by Compustat or CRSP */
  and linkprim in ("P", "C")
    order by gvkey, linkdt;

proc sql;
  create table mydata as select * from lnk, 
    comp.funda (keep=gvkey fyear tic cik datadate indfmt datafmt popsrc consol) as cst 
    indfmt='FS' /* FS - Financial Services ('INDL' for industrial ) */
    and datafmt='STD' /* STD - Standardized */
    and popsrc='D' /* D - Domestic (USA, Canada and ADRs)*/
    and consol='C' /* C - Consolidated. Parent and Subsidiary accounts combined */
    and lnk.gvkey=cst.gvkey
    and (&year_start. <=fyear <=&year_end.) and (linkdt <=cst.datadate or linkdt=.B)
    and (cst.datadate <=linkenddt or linkenddt=.E);
quit;proc sql;
  create table mydata as select * from lnk, comp.funda (keep=gvkey fyear tic cik
    datadate indfmt datafmt popsrc consol) as cst where
    datafmt='STD' and popsrc='D' and consol='C' and lnk.gvkey=cst.gvkey
    and (&year_start. <=fyear <=&year_end.) and (linkdt <=cst.datadate or linkdt=.B)
    and (cst.datadate <=linkenddt or linkenddt=.E);

/* Verify that we have unique gvkey-permco and gvkey-permno links */
proc sort data=mydata nodupkey; by lpermco gvkey datadate; run;
proc sort data=mydata nodupkey; by lpermno gvkey datadate; run;

data gvkey_permco_permno; set mydata;
   rename lpermno=permno;
   rename lpermco=permco;

proc download data=gvkey_permco_permno out=gvkey_permco_permno; run;


Compustat Annual and CRSP


proc sql;
create table mydata as 
select *
from lnk, comp.funda (keep=gvkey fyear datadate indfmt datafmt popsrc consol sale) as cst
where indfmt= 'INDL' 
and datafmt='STD' 
and popsrc='D' 
and consol='C' 
and lnk.gvkey = cst.gvkey
and (&beg_yr <= fyear <= &end_yr) 
and (linkdt <= cst.datadate or linkdt = .B) 
and (cst.datadate <= linkenddt or linkenddt = .E);

Compustat Quarterly and CRSP


proc sql;
create table mydata as 
select *
from lnk, comp.fundq (keep=gvkey fyearq datadate indfmt datafmt popsrc consol saley saleq) as cst
where indfmt= 'INDL' 
and datafmt='STD' 
and popsrc='D' 
and consol='C' 
and lnk.gvkey = cst.gvkey
and (&beg_yr <= fyearq <= &end_yr) 
and (linkdt <= cst.datadate or linkdt = .B) 
and (cst.datadate <= linkenddt or linkenddt = .E);
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