Bank Holing Company Financials from FR Y-9C
A SAS macro used to extract BHC data.
This note needs to be updated.
Extract BHC balance sheet data
This is the SAS macro I write to consolidate and extract BHC’s balance sheet data from WRDS Bank Regulatory database. It creates a bhcf
dataset in the work directory.
%macro bhc_financials(loopdatestart,loopdateend);
/* Specify the variables to extract */
%let vars=rssd9999 rssd9001 rssd9007 rssd9008 bhck2170 bhck3210;
%let loopdatestart=%sysfunc(inputn(&loopdatestart,anydtdte9.));
%let loopdateend=%sysfunc(inputn(&loopdateend,anydtdte9.));
%let dif=%sysfunc(intck(month,&loopdatestart,&loopdateend));
%let dats=;
%do i=0 %to &dif;
%let date=%sysfunc(intnx(month,&loopdatestart,&i,e));
%let month=%sysfunc(month(&date),z2.);
%let year=%sysfunc(year(&date));
%if &month=3 or &month=6 or &month=9 or &month=12 %then %do;
%let dats=&dats bank.bhcf&year&month;
%put &dats;
data bhcf(keep=&vars); set &dats;
rssd9999 = input(put(rssd9999, 8.), yymmdd10.);/* reporting date */
rssd9007 = input(put(rssd9007, 8.), yymmdd10.);/* date start */
rssd9008 = input(put(rssd9008, 8.), yymmdd10.);/* date end */
format rssd9999 date9.;
format rssd9007 date9.;
format rssd9008 date9.;
where rssd9999 between rssd9007 and rssd9008;
%mend bhc_financials;
RSSD dates are not always available, in which case lines 18-24 should be removed.
Merge with Compustat/CRSP
The firm identifier in the Y-9C data is RSSD9001
. To merge the BHC’s balance sheet data with Compustat/CRSP, I use the PERMCO-RSSD
link table by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1 I saved the most recent copy in my server, and formatted it so that it can used directly. It is available at
%let beg_yr = 1986;
%let end_yr = 2018;
proc sql;
create table lnk as
select *
from crsp.ccmxpf_lnkhist
linktype in ("LU", "LC") and
(&end_yr+1 >= year(linkdt) or linkdt = .B) and
(&beg_yr-1 <= year(linkenddt) or linkenddt = .E)
order by
gvkey, linkdt;
/* PERMCO-RSSD link table by New York FED */
filename csv url "";
proc import datafile=csv out=work.crsp_20181231 dbms=csv replace; run;
proc sql;
create table gvkey_permno_permco_rssd as
select *
from lnk join crsp_20181231 as fed
on lnk.lpermco=fed.permco;
Please run these programs on the WRDS cloud. You’ll need to modify them in order to run locally with SAS/Connect.